Another Happy California Pony Cars Customer
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Dear California Pony Cars Staff,

I purchased a strut kit after many conversations with one of your dealers last year... it had to 'be developed' for the GT500... and the winters in Wisconsin delayed the installation until just yesterday. I have to say I am extremely happy with the product and the design. It looks awesome! Enclosed you will find some photos I have taken today, which you may feel free to use as you desire, that show the install, and in particular, the additional headroom afforded with the hood in the raised position with your product. (That is a yardstick sitting on top of the blower and it still clears!)
The balance of the hood is perfect at any position above about half way open... and the struts allow for 'automatic closure' when holding the hood about a foot or so above the closed position and letting it fall on its own, instead of applying any pressure, an important feature on a light-weight hood like the GT500's.Thanks for providing this product. It's CLEAN in its appearance and EXCELLENT in its functionality.
The best of both worlds.
Gene Fendley